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Why should you listen to me???

Why should you take my advice? You don’t know me. You’ve never heard of me. So, let me introduce myself and tell you why you should listen to me. I has been in the business of coaching, mentoring, advising, and generally helping people get a job for nearly 30 years. But, I have been helping people write successful resumes and coaching them on getting hired for the past 40 years! This is not something I just do to make money – it’s a huge part of who I am! I didn’t start out making money doing this – I did it for FREE for the first 15 years. Now, after being paid for 25+ years to help people find a job, coaching people on Job Search, Resumes, and Interviewing AND performing Career Placements, it has occurred to me that people are getting WORSE at this - not better. You would think with the information available today, this would be a “gimme!" People can surely write a resume. People can surely look for/find a job for which they are qualified. People can surely interview without spilling their guts (for real!). People can surely……… You get the idea! Fact is – the opposite is true. And, this is the reason you need to know me. And now that you do, I am here to help.

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