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Your Job Search

First things first – you already have a job – your title is “Job Seeker” and your job is to FIND A JOB! This might sound like a BIG “DUH” moment, but if you go more than 2 months without a job YOU ARE NOT DOING IT RIGHT – which means you are not treating your job search as your job. So, I’m going to tell you how to do that ~

FOCUS – focus on the type of job you are looking for and qualified for. Never, ever tell a prospective employer or a recruiter, “I’ll take anything.” You are not qualified for “anything” and this response gives the appearance that you are qualified for NOTHING. If you will do “anything”, then go flip burgers until you figure it out. I’m NOT being rude, I’m being honest.

Set your “work” hours – I advise these hours to be 7am to 4pm, Monday through Thursday and 7am to Noon on Fridays. Your “job” is stressful, so this time will give you a jump on the weekend to rejuvenate. DO NOT WORK on weekends, unless you have an interview on Monday at 9am.

Create an office atmosphere – if you do not have a desk or home office, set up a small corner that is not used for anything else but your job search – computer, phone, and video camera (for video conference interviews). NO TVs, NO RADIOS, NO FAMILY MEALS, NO DISTRACTIONS.

Get up early and dress for work! – I cannot stress this enough – GET UP, DRESS AS IF YOU ARE GOING FOR AN INTERVIEW – and…

  • Go to your “office”, every day, Monday through Friday.

  • Do not get on Facebook, do not surf the net.

  • During this time, don’t do anything that is not associated with your job – Finding A Job!

  • Every day you will sit there doing the following tasks to find a job – hone and customize your resume, apply to jobs, talk to recruiters, participate in phone and video interviews, send thank you notes and emails for interviews.

Work with Recruiters – work with MULTIPLE Recruiters for maximum exposure! Recruiters are your advocate. There are some things you want to remember when working with recruiters –

  • Recruiters are NOT your friend or buddy – this means when you speak with them you must be professional and do so in the same manner as you would a potential employer.

  • Recruiters do not need to know your entire life story with all the scary personal details.

  • Recruiters are your ADVOCATE – you are their product that they are selling to their client to make money. THAT is Their Job!

  • Recruiters have no obligation – legally, morally, or professionally – to represent you. They have a reputation to stand behind. They make their money by presenting the best possible candidates and it part of YOUR JOB (Finding A Job) to become that best possible candidate. You give a Recruiter attitude = you are dropped like a hot potato!

  • A Recruiter will not present you to a job you are not qualified for, so accept every interview opportunity presented by your Recruiter.

  • If you do not get the job, it is not the fault of the Recruiter. Ask your Recruiter for feedback from The Interviewer to find out why you did not get the job. Take your Recruiter’s advise – they are your EXPERT and their service is free to you.

Develop a 5-10 minute “Elevator Pitch” - this tells who you are and why you’re a great candidate. You will begin “branding” yourself if you will do this.

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